Most of us got bored and invents something weird but actually it can sell. Here are some weird car gadgets.
Well-Insured Wheel Covers
These cardboard cutouts of empty wheel wells can be used to deter thieves who like cheap knockoffs.
Ozone Air Purifier
This nifty air purifier by OKI supposedly "eradicate[s] all disgusting smells from you car" by releasing UV rays while producing ozone. It plugs right into your car's cigarette lighter socket and has blinking LED lights to let you know its working.
Alert Driver Wristband
The Alert Driver wristband is a flexible rubber device that detects -- by communicating with an RFID tag placed in the car -- if a driver is suffering from fatigue, based on reaction time. If fatigue is detected, the device will start vibrating.
Tesla Coil Car Alarm
This could quite possibly be the "coolest security alarm ever" for your car. It basically consists of a giant Tesla Coil mounted atop the car's roof, emitting an electrical forcefield to fend off would-be thieves.
Shotgun Turret
Introduces the "HAMMER" unmanned weapons system and H2X-40 turret for law enforcement/military use.
For a demonstration, the firm fitted a turret with two 12 gage shotguns to the roof of an SUV. Such a system could be used to breach a door or gate, expose a hidden device, destroy a roadside bomb, and more
Michelin's Tweel Wheels
The Tweel sports a flexible spoke/wheel design that replaces the need for air pressure, deforming to absorb shocks.
Autoloc Car Flamethrower
Shown at SEMA 2006, the Autoloc Car Flamethrower could be one of the most useful (coolest) auto accessories we've come across, enabling drivers to shoot up to 20ft. flames from their car's exhaust.
High-Tech LED Rims
Spinner rims are so yesterday. Rims with built-in color LEDs become reality with "PimpStar". These fully programmable wheels can display any image, logo, or text using the included software. Prices range from $12,500 (22" w/tires) - $19,500 (26" w/tires).
Automatic License Plate BlockerThis gadget/device was created specifically for 2006 Bullrun, a 3,000-mile road race, to prevent red light cameras from snapping pictures of the Lamborghini Gallardo's license plate.
Parallel Parking Device
A group of college students demonstrate a strange parallel parking device that attaches to your car's rear bumper and "uses hydraulics to lift the rear end of the car -- enabling it to slide sideways into the parking spot."
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