It’s enough for a gadget to do just one thing well. The latest trend is to combine multiple functions in one compact unit, to improve convenience and safety for drivers. Example of this device are the Alpine eX-10 is an Apple iPod adapter that doubles as a Bluetooth receiver. The Kenwood DNX8120 is a navigation system that also works like a radio. And yes, it has Bluetooth too. Then there are the in-car computers that let drivers navigate, email, and store MP3s.
Aftermarket accessory manufacturers have been devising ways for drivers to bring their favorite music along for the ride. Some radio uses tape adapter or radio trasmitter to play IPod through car speakers. Now Alpine eX-10 allows drivers to play their devices through their car speakers without using a radio transmitter or tape adapter, both of which compromise sound quality.
Todd Ramsey of Ramsey Consulting Group in Phoenix, Ariz said “The iPod is clearly the leading application for portable media player integration in cars,” He also said, “But the industry will continue development of support for more ubiquitous USB-based devices like thumb drives, portable hard drives, and a wide range of competing portable media players.”
With some devices, drivers can leave the iPod home using a Azentek Atlas CPC-1200, a personal computer that can be install in the dashboard. It has a 120-gigabyte hard drive that can store enough music for any road trip.
As is the case with the verbal route guidance, luxury cars have been offering voice-command functionality for some time, but now it's trickling down to the masses. The Ford Sync and Scosche Blue Fusion both take advantage of wireless technology (like the ever-popular Bluetooth) to make operating cell phones and audio systems safer and easier. If you want to make a phone call, simply say the word. The stereo even knows to turn the volume down so you can hear the person on the other end.
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