The people at Ford never cease to amaze us. And here they are again, out to capture our imaginations. What’s Ford got under their sleeve that’s going to wow you? Well, Ford has something called the MyKey to make your lives a tad but easier.
We know you might be wondering – what’s the big fuss about Ford’s MyKey technology and how can it make my life any easier than it is now? Well for starters, Ford’s MyKey is designed to do three basic, yet very useful tasks: to limit the Ford vehicle’s speed to 80 mph, limit the stereo’s volume to 44% and warn people inside the car if any of the seatbelts aren’t being used. This technology allows the Ford car owner to have control of these things from the convenience of the key itself.
But before going through with this technology, Ford conducted a survey to determine if people would like it. It turns out 67% of teens don’t see this as a good idea for them. The number fell to 36% after parents decided to let their cars be used by their children with a MyKey on it. Hey, nothing in this life comes for free and those teens would have to accept that. A little price to pay for a taste of freedom, eh?
Ford utilized an off-the-shelf technology to manufacture its MyKey system. This technology is particularly the SecuriLock passive anti-theft system and it functions by identifying what kind of keys are in the car’s ignition. Once it has determined which keys are in the ignition, the car owner can then decided which driving mode to use. And this is all from a single push of a button. A great idea isn’t it?