Have you ever wondered what the future of automobiles is going to look like after a couple of decades? Mercedez Benz has an idea and it’s going to be legendary. See the future unfold today with the SilverFlow.
The Mercedes luxury coupes exemplify forty years of design that has made Mercedes Benz to become one of the most distinguished luxury brands in the world. Now, we have with us the future of Mercedes-Benz vehicles and it has been named SilverFlow, Well, the 2057 Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow is Mercedes’ design car for the future showing sleek lines inspired by Mercedes racers of yesteryears.
The Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow utilizes micro-metallic particles that can be arranged via magnetic fields in many different forms based on pre-selected models. You could wet your pants in excitement now geeks because this is the genuine article. The vehicle, which can be completely dissembled into a pool of ferromagnetic material for easy storage, can adapt and transform its shape to best suit its required purpose. And who said that only superheroes can have the coolest rides?
The magnetic assembler, activated by a simple key fob, creates whatever vehicle its user needs. All of the programmed modes for the SilverFlow are inspired by the Mercedes Benz Grand Prix cars from the golden era of motorsports with distinct low slung shape, tall thin wheels and dramatic open-wheel design.
Any damage can be self repaired and any color/configuration/size is possible depending on the amount of source material available. Now that makes customizing your car a heck lot easier. And you don’t have to worry about scratches anymore too. A sweet deal huh?